Stories & Insights
Natural Collisions Podcast Welcomes Heidi Alcock
"Funders have got to acknowledge and own the role they play in burnout and exhaustion. You don't have the answers. Trust the people who do, get out of their way and support their success. That is what is going to lead to the peace and justice that we're all here for." - Heidi Alcock, McGregor Fund Director of Grant Development & Communications
Letter from the President: 2024 Miller Fellows
We are thrilled to announce the McGregor Fund’s 2024 Eugene A. Miller Fellows! This sabbatical program proudly supports our grant partners’ CEOs and executive directors to take extended time away from their organizations to recharge, immerse in enriching experiences, build skills and knowledge, and broaden their vision – all according to a plan of their own design.
The McGregor Fund is Moving
The McGregor Fund is thrilled to share that we are moving from our longtime offices in downtown Detroit to offices within The Skillman Foundation suite at the Talon Centre on the Detroit River. We are delighted to be sharing space with our friends at Skillman!
Vanessa Samuelson in PEAK Grantmaking Journal
The McGregor Fund prioritizes learning with and from grant partners. Two years ago, we changed an important learning practice: our grant reports. We stopped asking for narrative reports by default and began asking grant partners if they would like to check in with us and, if so, how.
McGregor Fund Receives Midnight Golf Program Driver Award
The McGregor Fund's Heidi Alcock and Marcia Gardner were honored to join the Midnight Golf Program's birthday celebration and to accept our long-time grantee partner's Driver Award on the Fund's behalf.
McGregor Fund Celebrates Developing K.I.D.S. Groundbreaking
McGregor Fund President Kate Levin Markel and Trustees Joyce Jenereaux and Sheilah Clay joined Developing K.I.D.S. (Kingdoms In Different Stages) Founder and CEO Kimberly Johnson for the renovation groundbreaking for her organization's new and expanded home.