
About matt binkowski

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So far matt binkowski has created 20 blog entries.

Anti-Racism Statement

The McGregor Fund Stands Against Racism The McGregor Fund stands with Black people across our country, who continue to endure discrimination ranging from outright brutality to daily denigrations and widespread indifference to inequity and injustice. As we confront the recent killings of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Rayshard Brooks

Anti-Racism Statement2023-05-03T14:49:36+00:00

Workforce Intelligence Network report released

The Workforce Intelligence Network for Southeast Michigan (WIN), is releasing a report on “Supporting Job Seekers Facing Multiple Barriers to Work," funded by the McGregor Fund.

Workforce Intelligence Network report released2023-05-03T14:49:44+00:00

Tracy McGregor: Social Entrepreneur

We use Tracy McGregor’s name while explaining our mission, and you’ll find his photo all over our website and social media channels. There’s a good reason for this.

Tracy McGregor: Social Entrepreneur2023-05-03T14:49:48+00:00

Focusing the Mission

In 2017, we shifted our grantmaking approach to address the needs of the whole person and to take a long term view of the journey out of poverty and what is needed along the way.

Focusing the Mission2023-05-03T14:49:49+00:00

US Partnership on Mobility from Poverty

In May, the US Partnership on Mobility from Poverty wrapped up a two-year research initiative to answer the question: What would it take to dramatically increase mobility from poverty?

US Partnership on Mobility from Poverty2023-05-03T14:49:51+00:00